• Advanced  Molecular and Cell Biology

Advanced Molecular and Cell Biology

  • Price $155.00
  • Product Code : 9781682517079
  • Availability : In Stock

Cell biology is increasingly important in each aspect of life sciences. Many of the advancements in contemporary science are the result of a better understanding of cellular components and their functions. This book compiles numerous internationally renowned authors presenting the research results or review of current knowledge in the general area of cellular and molecular biology and related areas of biochemistry, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, cancer research, microbiology, neurobiology, plant biology, structural biology and virology. This book will serve to cellular and molecular biologists, developmental biologists, microbiologists, geneticists, immunologists, neurobiologists, physiologists, plant cell biologists, virologists, protistozoologists, light and electron microscopists, biophysicists. 

Print ISBN: 9781682517079 | $155 | 2021 | Hardcover

Subject: Life Science

Editor: Ruy Albergel