• Molecules in Electromagnetic Fields

Molecules in Electromagnetic Fields

  • Price $165.00
  • Product Code : 9781682519349
  • Availability : In Stock

This book describes the behavior of molecules in an electric or magnetic field. Molecules can sense an external electromagnetic field by its electric and magnetic moments. While electric moments arise primarily from the nonuniform electron distribution within the molecules, molecular magnetic moments are mainly due to the electrons’ angular momenta. The goal of the present book is to review the major developments that have led to the current understanding of molecule-field interactions and experimental methods for manipulating molecules with electromagnetic fields. Molecule-field interactions are at the core of several, seemingly distinct, areas of molecular physics.  

Print ISBN: 9781682519349 | $165 | 2023 | Hardcover

Subject: Physics

Editor: Alberto K. Mello

About the Editor: Alberto K. Mello is an Associate Professor of Material Science and Engineering. He was awarded a Ph.D. in Materials Engineering. He has more than 20 years of research experience in the development of optical fiber devices including fiber amplifiers, fiber lasers, and fiber optic sensors. Professor Mello has published more than 900 articles in reputable ISI journals, and his papers have been cited more than 8000 times with an h-index of more than 40, showing the impact on the community.