Currently, wireless communications vulnerabilities are on the increase due to the higher demand for higher data rates, the need for advanced services and that of roaming, and the huge deployment of services across the globe. Consequently, this has created serious challenging issues in the security of wireless systems and applications in wireless environments. The book delivers a thorough grounding in wireless communication security. The book addresses how engineers, administrators, and others involved in the design and maintenance of wireless networks can achieve security while retaining the broadcast nature of the system, with all of its inherent harshness and interference.
Print ISBN: 9781682519394 | $160 | 2023 | Hardcover
Subject: Computer and Information Science
Editor: Isack Kambira
About the Editor: Isack Kambira obtained an MSc and Ph.D. in Electronics Engineering. His research interests include organometallic and coordination compounds, the biological activity of metallodrugs, catalysis, biomaterials, and biosensors. He has authored more than a hundred research papers with dozens in impact factor (IF) journals and has authored or co-authored six books. Additionally, he is the author of several national and international patents in the field of Network security.