• Atomic Models

Atomic Models

  • Price $160.00
  • Product Code : 9781682518809
  • Availability : In Stock

Atomic theory established that all matter is made of tiny particles, a discovery that led to amazing scientific breakthroughs in areas from modern chemistry to nuclear energy. Atomic models are important because, they help us visualize the interior of atoms and molecules, and thereby predicting properties of matter. This book is focused on determining the elements of mental models of atomic structure.

Print ISBN: 9781682518809 | $160 | 2022 | Hardcover

Subject: Physics

Editor: Massimo Lucchi

About the editor: Massimo Lucchi received his PhD in Physics. He has published numerous articles and research papers on physics of magnetism, physics of nanomaterial, and experimental methods of measuring magnetic properties. His research areas of topics include atomic theory, hydrocarboxylation, hydroformylation, oxidation, coupling, hydrogenation; and synthesis, characterization, and application of various supported catalytic systems.