Engineering and Technology
Electrochemistry for Materials Science
Electrochemistry is a branch of physical chemistry that studies the relationship between electrical ..
Materials Science of Polymers
Polymers have been around us in the natural world from the very beginning (e.g., cellulose, starch, ..
Applied Materials Science
Materials science is essential for engineering projects such as telecommunications, aerospace, elect..
Fundamentals of Digital Circuits
A digital circuit is a circuit where the signal must be one of two discrete levels. A digital circui..
Introduction to Nanophotonics
Nanophotonics deals with the interaction of light with matter at a nanometer scale, providing challe..
An Introduction to Electrical Science
Electrical engineering is an engineering discipline concerned with the study, design and application..
Nuclear Chemical Engineering
Researchers are at the forefront of developing technologies for nuclear separations, waste managemen..
Sustainable Construction and Building Materials
Materials are the basic components of the construction of buildings. Chemical, physical and mechanic..
Science and Engineering of Waste Materials in Construction
Construction and construction materials industries are active in all processes: the construction ind..
Research and Development in Surface Engineering
Surface coating is a simple and inexpensive method for surface modification of the membrane and it c..
Operation and Control of Power Systems
Electrical energy is conserved at every step in the process of Generation, Transmission, Distributio..
Computational Methods for Electric Power Systems
The latest research directions in the Power Engineering field were motivated by the current technolo..
Plasma Nanoengineering and Nanofabrication
The research field of nanomaterials (NMs) has established swiftly over the last several years due to..
Noise and Vibration Control in Rail Transportation
Railway transport is the most sustainable transport mode, as it consumes less energy, needs less spa..
Noise control in fluid power systems
Fluid power units determine often the noise development of many stationary industrial ma- chines lik..