• Aquaponics: Integration of Fish and Plant Culture

Aquaponics: Integration of Fish and Plant Culture

  • Price $160.00
  • Product Code : 9781682519622
  • Availability : In Stock

Aquaponics is a sustainable farming method that combines aquaculture (fish farming) with hydroponics (growing plants in water). In this system, fish waste provides nutrients for plants, and the plants naturally filter and purify the water, which is then recirculated back to the fish tanks. Aquaponics offers a closed-loop system that maximizes resource efficiency, minimizes water usage, and allows for year-round cultivation of both fish and vegetables. This book explores the symbiotic relationship between fish and plants in a closed-loop system for sustainable food production.

Print ISBN: 9781682519608 | $160 | 2024 | Hardcover

Subject: Animal and Veterinary Science

Editor: Tabia Rodgers

About the Editor: Tabia Rodgers, PhD, is a renowned researcher and professor specializing in fish nutrition. With expertise in the field, she has authored numerous research papers and articles on the subject. Her work focuses on studying the dietary requirements and optimal nutrition for fish species. Dr. Rodgers has made significant contributions to the understanding of fish feeding habits, growth patterns, and overall health. Her research has been instrumental in developing sustainable aquaculture practices and improving fish welfare.