• Organic Electrochemistry: A Promising Tool for Synthesis and Catalysis

Organic Electrochemistry: A Promising Tool for Synthesis and Catalysis

  • Price $165.00
  • Product Code : 9781682519684
  • Availability : In Stock

Organic electrochemistry focuses on the use of electricity to drive chemical reactions involving organic compounds. It offers sustainable and efficient methods for synthesizing complex organic molecules, such as pharmaceuticals and fine chemicals. Organic electrochemistry enables the development of greener and more selective chemical processes, reducing the reliance on traditional chemical reagents and minimizing environmental impact. This book examines the applications of organic electrochemistry in synthesis and catalysis, showcasing its potential as a valuable tool.

Print ISBN: 9781682519684 | $165 | 2024 | Hardcover

Subject: Chemistry

Editor: Yan Wang

About the Editor: Yan Wang, a PhD holder, has greatly advanced the field of synthetic organic electrochemistry through two decades of remarkable contributions. He has presented on topics such as exceptional selectivities, synergism with photocatalysis, and dual electrocatalysis, showcasing his expertise. With over 50 authored or co-authored articles, papers, and book chapters, his work has had a significant impact on the field.