• Microeconomics: Theory And Applications

Microeconomics: Theory And Applications

  • Price $145.00
  • Product Code : 9781682513606
  • Availability : In Stock

Microeconomics is an economic theory concerned with the actions of individuals, businesses, or modern households under certain economic conditions. The applications of microeconomics are vast, though they may not always be accurate as it is difficult to mimic the conditions of a real individual. This book aims to focus on building intuition about economic models while providing students with the mathematical tools needed to go further in their studies. The text also seeks to facilitatethat linkage by providing many numerical examples, and extended discussions of empirical implementation—all of which are intended to show students and practitioners how microeconomic theory is used today.

Print ISBN: 978-1-68251-360-6 | $145 | 2018 | Hardcover

Editor: Graciela Chichilnisk