• UV Radiation: Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health

UV Radiation: Impact on Ecosystems and Human Health

  • Price $160.00
  • Product Code : 9781682518007
  • Availability : In Stock

UV is one of the non-ionizing radiations in the electromagnetic spectrum and lies within the range of wavelengths 100 nm to 400 nm. Ultraviolet light is closely associated with human health. The book deals with the broad range of topics including physical and meteorological fundamental studies, historical and anthropological considerations, the latest developments in UV research, as well as the interactions between UV radiation and global change, measurements, modeling and effects on ecosystems and living organisms, human health, behavioral aspects, and policy consequences. It is hoped that the information presented in this book will give great benefit and will stimulate both novice and expert researchers in the field. The book will appeal to Clinicians, medical general practitioners, technicians and staff working in UV related industries.

Print ISBN: 9781682518007 | $160 | 2021 | Hardcover

Subject: Physics

Editor: K. S. Edelman