The intersection of statistics and computing has led to significant advancements in data analysis and inference. With the advent of powerful computational tools and algorithms, statisticians can tackle complex problems, perform simulations, and conduct large-scale data analyses, enabling the extraction of meaningful patterns, correlations, and statistical models. This book discusses the intersection of statistical methods and computational tools for data analysis and inference.
Print ISBN: 9781682519936 | $165 | 2024 | Hardcover
Subject: Mathematics and Statistics
Editor: Franck Mboussou
About the Editor: Franck Mboussou holds a BS in industrial engineering and a doctorate specializing in operations research and management science. His research covers a wide range of topics, including smooth and nonsmooth optimization, mathematical programming, multiobjective optimization, vector optimization, and set optimization. He has also explored areas such as integer programming, queueing theory, statistical quality control, and production and operations management. Franck has been recognized with a major research prize in capital budgeting.