The usage of acupuncture in veterinary medicine has paralleled trends seen in humans, with the increasingly common use of acupuncture to treat complicated medical conditions. Like several therapies, acupuncture has been modified for veterinary use since its introduction in human medicine and seems to have gained popularity among pet owners and veterinarians. This book covers the history, modes of action and use of acupuncture for the care of veterinary patients and laboratory animals. The book deals with the history and concepts of acupuncture and continues with the anatomic and neurophysiologic basis of acupuncture, practical techniques, instrumentation, and point selection.
Print ISBN: 9781682518168 | $155 | 2022 | Hardcover
Subject: Animal and Veterinary Science
Editor: Erika Yano
About the editor: Erika Yano, PhD, has over 10 years’ experience in various areas of veterinary sciences. She has published numerous research papers, review articles, and book chapters on different areas of veterinary sciences. She has expertise in gastrointestinal endoscopy and abdominal ultrasound. She has also worked in academia teaching and research supervising at graduate and undergraduate levels.